What is the Absinette font? Absinette takes us straight back to 19th century France. Its a decorative family of Roman faces in three widths as well as a more elaborate inline style, ideal for posters with an Edwardian or Victorian theme.
With over 130,000 fonts available to license for any project, MyFonts is the largest font marketplace around. Antagometrica BT font family ( Bitstream ) Neutro. Free Fonts » Uncategorized » Sinkin Sans 900 X Black. Sinkin Sans 900 X Black Font. Buy font - Antagometrica BT Std Regular Commercial Fonts Font.
What is the Antagometrica BT font?
Antagométrica BT is the creation of Argentine designer Maximiliano Giungi.
A clean and slightly condensed sanserif, it is ideal for use in text settings, but its trendy design makes it distinctive enough for display work.
The CFF OpenType glyph repertoire includes additional ligatures, full sets of superior and inferior figures as well as unlimited fractions. There are also tabular and proportional figure sets, and the extended glyph set supports Central Europe.
Antagometrica BT Font families
The Antagometrica BT includes the following font families:
- Antagometrica BT Std Light
- Antagometrica BT Std Regular
- Antagometrica BT Std Bold
Antagometrica BT Preview
Here is a preview of how Antagometrica BT will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.
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- Weight: Regular
- Version: Version 1.8634
- No. of Characters:: 227
- Encoding Scheme: 4
- Is Fixed Pitch: No
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